The Pros n Cons of E-Cigs

With the advancement in every aspect of our mundane routine, there are a number of new things that have been introduced. People are now saying goodbye to cigarettes and are switching to e-cigs and other vaping devices. There is a complete transition and due to a variety of flavors, people prefer buying e-cigarettes. E-Cigarette shop online helps you in placing your order online. You do not have to rush to the shop in order to buy the product. If you know your taste and flavor then you are just a click away. However, with these advantages, there are many cons as well. Let us consider the pros and cons of e-cigs.

  • A safer Alternative: 
It is a safer alternative for those who have been smoking cigarettes for a long time and now want to switch to e-cigs. It makes the quitting procedure easy for people who find it hard to quit smoking. For these reasons, it is considered a safer alternative.
  • Absence of Carcinogens:
Many studies have proved the harmful effects of cigarettes. The e-cigs, on the other hand, do not have these elements. They are free of carcinogens and do not have harmful effects like that of cigarettes. Cigarettes are considered to be the leading cause of cancer. Using e-cigs can reduce the risk.
  •  Less Moderate For Asthma Patients:
It does not affect people who are suffering from asthma. It has a less moderate effect. People who are asthma patients can use e-cigs.

  • Nicotine:
Those who find the smell of nicotine unbearable and have faced harmful effects of nicotine in the past cannot find an escape. E-cigs also have small amounts of nicotine and have the same harmful effects as cigarettes. It can increase the use of alcohol, drugs and other addictive items. Nicotine also affects the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular system.
  • Faulty Use of Charges:
E-cigs work on batteries which exposes it to the risk of other accidents like an explosion. Any sort of misuse of such devices can cause a lot of damage. It increases the risk of burns. One has to be very careful while using e-cigs. As compared to cigarettes, e-cigs can cause a lot of damage. As they are run by chargers so be very careful while using e-cigs.
  • Reverting to Conventional Cigarettes:
Many people do not like the taste of e-cigs thus return back to conventional cigarettes. This way it makes the probability of quitting smoking less. In many cases, people after quitting smoking conventional cigarettes switch to e-cigs. However, this might change after some time. So many people go back to smoking cigarettes even after quitting.
  • Poisonous:
E-cigs have liquids that are poisonous. They cause unintentional poisoning in children making it harmful for their health. So you have to be very careful while exhaling the smoke. It can have dire effects on the health of children.  

These are some of the pros and cons of e-cigs. Both cigarettes and e-cigs have harmful effects on the smokers.


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